Sunday, December 6, 2015


The MBTI test, or the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator test, is a personality test that uses a four-letter combination, with two letters possible, resulting in 16 different personalities.

Click here for what those 16 different types are and explanations of the letters. Click on the headings for more in-depth looks at each of the personalities. You can take the test here:

Some characters are extraordinarily easy to type, and represent what those types are in real life. Others are really hard to type, and may be extremes of their type. In this post, I will provide examples of characters that exemplify the various types.

INTJ: Gill- Finding Nemo

This rare type is known for being independent, determined, and having a logical, quick, and imaginative mind, but are also known to hate highly structured environments, be overly analytical, and perhaps a bit arrogant or aloof. Gill, the leader of the Tank Gang, shows all of these qualities. His determination and analytical mind are shown in his endless attempts to flee the tank, and he is shown to be distant and reserved, as he is very mysterious and likes to be alone. Finally, the scene where he confesses his mistakes after the escape plan (his arrogance and failure to think of others before doing) to Nemo truly shows that he is an INTJ, because INTJs will do the exact same thing- fail to take others into account and pay for doing so. He shows all the faults and gifts of the INTJ perfectly.

ISFP: Manolo Sanchez- The Book of Life

These are your true artists- sensitive, imaginative, passionate, and well, artistic. Manolo Sanchez embodies all of these things- he is a gifted musician, charming, loving, and has a big heart; willing to go long lengths to do what he loves, express himself, and show his love for others. The ISFP also has faults, in their dislike of tradition, independence, and vulnerability of criticism. Manolo also shows these in his fight against bullfighting and defeat when his father criticizes him. He so perfectly shows the sweet and sensitive side, as well as the tradition-breaking, vulnerable side of the ISFP.

ESFP: Amethyst- Steven Universe

This personality is fun-loving, bold, outgoing, and loving. Under all that they hide poor planning and extreme sensitivity. Amethyst shows all of those traits. She is usually shown to be the most immature of the Crystal Gems, tending to do things her way and joke around instead of acting serious, but when she is victimized or shot-down, her self-esteem goes out the window and she breaks down. She is extremely vulnerable to her less-then-desirable past, and often feels like she isn't good enough for Garnet or Pearl; these parts of her show her sensitivity and turbulence, which as aforementioned, are key traits of the ESFP. 

ISTP: Jim Hawkins- Treasure Planet

The ISTP is a known risk-taker, with their spontaneity, intelligence, dislike of rules and tendency to be easily bored. They are also surprising friendly, creative, relaxed, but are also reserved, private, slightly insensitive, and hard to get to know. Jim Hawkins, from Treasure Planet, clearly shows all of these traits- he built a hover board at a young age, and is shown in other ways to be intelligent, but dropped out of school. He has had many run-ins with the police, and is troubled about his father's abandonment. But, throughout all this, and on his journey to find Treasure Planet, he is able to stay calm and collected for the most part, and although he does bond with John Silver, it takes him a while to do so, due to his independence and aloofness. All in all, he shows the faults and strengths of the ISTP.

INTP: L- Death Note

This is a match made in heaven: a type known to be analytical, abstract thinkers, as well as slightly distant, along with a character that is a socially awkward super genius detective. There is not a trait that the INTP has that L does not. Insomniac and withdrawn from society? Check. Logical, original, and imaginative ideas? Check. Genius-level problem solving and a tendency to second-guess themselves? Double check. L is literally the perfect example of the stereotypical INTP.

ENFJ: Mufasa- The Lion King

As natural born leaders, ENFJ's are tolerant, optimistic, kind-hearted, selfless, and responsible. They are seen as wise and often looked up to, and their faults come from an overload of one of the previous qualities. Mufasa is the model leader; kind-hearted and sensitive to others, yet forceful with the rules, wise, and responsible. But, the faults, or strengths, depending on how you look at it, of his ENFJ personality are seen in The Lion King, when he selflessly sacrifices himself for Simba, resulting in his death. Long live the king.  

INFP: Belle- Beauty and the Beast

The INFP is the ultimate dreamer; with an active imagination, altruistic personality, and the impression that their head is always in the clouds. Belle is the same way; I mean, her song includes the phrase "with a dreamy far-off look". She and the INFP also share the introverted nature- preferring a book to social interactions, as well as an open mind (the quality that allowed her to bond with the Beast), and a love of harmony (she refuses to let them fight the beast). Belle also shows the negative qualities; she is hard to get to know, impractical, and kind of flighty. 

ENTPEdward Elric- Fullmetal Alchemist 

Both Ed and the ENTP are very knowledgeable and intelligent, with logical and quick minds. Ed, to have been able to use alchemy at such a young age would have had to be extraordinarily smart, and he was able to piece together seemingly disconnected pieces of evidence into a supportable idea that turned out to be correct. The ENTP also is argumentative, stubborn, and explosive- all qualities that Ed clearly shows. He will argue to no end to prove a point, and is persistent, fiery, and stubborn when it comes to working with the military. He most certainly has a temper as well- call him short, and you'll see what I mean. Finally, the ENTP and Ed both show their slight insensitivity with their focus on pure logic, not emotion. 

ISTJ: Jet Black- Cowboy Bebop

Jet is this personality, except with a developed emotional side, so he doesn't have nearly as many of the negatives as the typical ISTJ would have. Besides for that, he matches perfectly- with a responsible attitude, and a dislike for those who break the established rules, or a hate when that happens, like when Spike is being Spike. But, he is still protective and often actually blames himself- something that is key to the ISTJ. He is calm, collected, honest, and goes by experience; all key qualities of an ISTJ. So while he may not be as insensitive as some ISTJs, Jet is most certainly one. (I couldn't find a dubbed video for this scene, so its subbed).

ESTP: Rainbow Dash- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

The ESTP is your adventurous, stubborn, free spirit. Rainbow Dash is certainly one of those; she is the most brave, risk-taking, daring, and defiant of the mane six. She and the ESTP also share self-confidence, an in-the-moment personality, loyalty, and are both very energetic. She is also impatient and impulsive, like the ESTP, as well as extremely competitive and confident. She and the ESTP are the ultimate thrill-seekers.

ENTJ: Bill Cipher- Gravity Falls

The ultimate baddy of Gravity Falls, Bill Cipher is an insane, hilarious, outgoing dream demon that is an excellent leader, very arrogant and confident, and manipulative. When the ENTJ is seen as a villain, they are just what Bill is; a mastermind with an army of minions and a self-assured, sarcastic personality. Some people type Bill as a INTJ, the stereotypical villain, but I find him more outgoing and charismatic; he wants to be the ruler of our dimension- by any ways necessary. The -NT- give him an analytical and manipulative edge, and the -J allows him to plan his evil doings in secretive and long-term. He finds people to be dispensable and he is in it for self gain. By and large, Bill is the exact ENTJ villain. 

INFJ: Elsa- Frozen

A rare type, the INFJ is a deeply complex persona; being very sensitive and warm, vulnerable to conflict, intuitive, reserved, and in a state of organized chaos. Elsa is the same way; we see her vulnerable side, as well as the broken bits of her repressed personality throughout most of the movie, but as she opens up, she turns into a compassionate and sensitive leader. As an INFJ, she is at war with herself over what she can and cannot do, and what is the best course of action. She cares deeply about her sister, and wants to help her, but trusts her intuition too much and believes she can't. The INFJ also has a creative and insightful side, something that shines when Elsa opens up and resolves her inner conflict. Both the INFJ and Elsa are rare and complex; creating interesting, unique, and special individuals.

ESTJ: Woody- Toy Story

The ESTJ is an organized, loyal, status-orientated individual that is very strong-willed and dedicated. Woody, from Toy Story, shows these qualities. When we first meet him, he is the leader of the toys (a natural position for the ESTJ), and is happy organizing and managing their lives and setting rules for them to live by, in a way that is beneficial to them and himself. Later on, when Andy gets Buzz, Woody becomes overly jealous and strives to become Andy's favorite- by any means necessary- and takes that goal to heart, seeing it through to the end. This is all caused by his undying devotion and loyalty to Andy, and at times this can cause him to be a bit neurotic. These traits are all very common to the ESTJs, and what distinguishes Woody as one. 

ISFJ: Cinderella- Cinderella

A protective and kind, but reserved soul, Cinderella and the ISFJ are both reliable, hard-working, and are practical dreamers. You put an ISFJ in a bad situation, like Cinderella, and you will get similar results- resisting that situation quietly and patiently, and taking advantage when an opportunity presents itself. But in a normal situation, they are protective and feel it is their duty to maintain care of others. This can lead them to become a bit passive in a bad situation and leave their suffering to themselves, like Cinderella. All in all, Cinderella and the ISFJ are kind souls that put the needs of others before themselves and are content in the background, away from the limelight.  

ESFJ: Maka Albarn- Soul Eater

The stereotypical motherly character, the ESFJ is a protective, nurturing, kind soul that cares deeply for others, is very loyal, and has a strong sense of duty, but at the same time can be too needy and vulnerable to criticism. Maka, a student at the DWMA, is very sociable and friendly, and cares deeply for her friends. She is at the top of her class; fulfilling her duty to turn Soul into a death scythe. She was also able to comfort and connect to Crona when he was in need, a key feature of the ESFJ. Unfortunately, these qualities also make her a bit overbearing at times, turbulent, and when she is criticized she takes it hard. She can also be sacrificial and will put the needs of others before her. Through showing these positive and negative traits, Maka is an ESFJ.

ENFP: Star Butterfly- Star vs. The Forces of Evil  

Pick a comic relief character, any character, and chances are they are probably an ENFP. As an ENFP myself, I know what to look for exactly. You need a character that is outgoing, passionate, optimistic, ambitious, enthusiastic, imaginative, confident, and curious, but also a bit flighty, unfocused, talkative, hyperactive, and independent, often with awful practical skills that hates when people micromanage. We tend to be eccentric but well-liked, with a tendency to start ambitious projects and never finish them. In terms of a character that embodies the ENFP, I find that Star Butterfly from Star vs. The Forces of Evil is a good fit. She is friendly, popular, quirky, but always has her head in the clouds, often failing to take the smaller details into account when looking at the big picture or plan ahead, instead working on impulse and spontaneity. These are all qualities that I and other ENFPs possess, and for these reasons, I find that Star Butterfly is an ENFP.  

videos/pictures used:

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