Sunday, September 27, 2015

Overrated Movies

Disney's Most Overrated Animated Movies

Popularity is a fickle creature, and as such, two movies that are often considered to be equally good will often range widely in how well known they are. Some great movies will fade out of the spotlight whereas others will hoard it for a while.

The Lion King

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When it was released, The Lion King enjoyed a considerable amount of fame and fortune. While it was an excellent movie, it might have been over popularized just a little, and it still is today. This movie was made into a Broadway show, and it received two sequels. If one were to look at much of Disney's merchandise, they would find it to be mostly based on this movie. The reason why The Lion King did as well as it did is, in my opinion, due to its grand feeling, characters, and soundtrack. While there is no denying its critical acclaims, The Lion King has been, and will most likely continue to be, a centerpiece of Disney.


Frozen merchandise
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The Lion King might have been popular, but nothing will compare in terms of popularity to Frozen. This movie exploded in society and has become the highest-grossing animated film in history. Frozen is so popular that the line to meet Anna and Elsa at Disneyworld is two hours long and over 3 million Frozen dresses have been sold. Its soundtrack catapulted to the top of the most popular playlist, even beating out BeyoncĂ© and merchandising on Frozen has taken over Disney's stores. It even snagged a couple Oscars. How is Frozen so popular? It seems that everyone loves this movie and can't get enough of it, but for what reasons? There are a couple plausible reasons for why this movie has made such an impact on society. Firstly, it has not one, but two silly sidekicks, Sven and Olaf, both of whom are lovable and adorable. It also boasts two princesses, Anna and Elsa (who is technically a queen), that are strong female characters that young girls can relate to. Frozen also has a good soundtrack and decent animation. But, in my opinion, the real reason why so many people love Frozen is because it is reminiscent of classic Disney. It is a princess story adapted from a fairytale, as many are, in this case, “The Snow Queen", and has all of the elements of the classics; and these elements are magnified in Frozen. Above all else, Frozen has the heart and the spirit of those classic Disney films, and due to these qualities, Frozen will be an endearing part of Disney, albeit overrated.

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