Saturday, February 20, 2016

Gravity Falls Finale

Just a warning- this post will include spoilers for Take Back the Falls.

This is the review I mentioned in my last post- about the Gravity Falls finale called Take Back the Falls.

This was an almost perfect ending to a near-perfect show, and at the very least, Take Back the Falls was well-worth the wait.

The story picks up after the other two Weirdmaggedon episodes, just when Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy enter the Mystery Shack to find Stan and a bunch of refugees. They then team up in an epic battle against Bill to save Gravity Falls, resulting in a memorable, heartfelt ending.

There is much to love about this production- from Soos exposing McGucket to anime, to appearances by previous singular-episode characters, like Larry King's disembodied head and the Multibear, to top-notch action. We finally get the answers to Bill Cipher's wheel, although perhaps the biggest mystery of all- Dipper's real name- remains as such: a mystery.

Speaking of the Bill Cipher wheel, that part was rushed and didn't feel as satisfying as it should have. First off, it didn't actually affect the story. Something that had been hinted at since the very beginning, in the theme, should be more important to the story. It felt anticlimactic. Also, the reason why they couldn't fulfil the prophecy is all because of Stan, who was too caught up in his feud with his brother Ford to just hold hands with him. This means they are unable to defeat Bill, and Stan wouldn't ever do something that would threaten his family in any way, shape, or form. Therefore, that whole scene was a downfall- although maybe it was for the better, because if the prophecy had succeeded we wouldn't have received the same ending.

The ending that we did get (the rest of the story) was amazing and not unlike the ending to a blockbuster film- with Stan disguising himself as Ford and tricking Bill into his mind so Ford could use the memory eraser. Of course, while this resulted in a crowning moment of awesome for Stan and the "death" of Bill (we even got to see Stan punch Bill in the face!), it resulted in the complete loss of Stan's memory.

It was with Stan's amnesia that I have the most issues. Yes, it was beautiful and touching, and a bittersweet ending, but not bitter enough. What I'm trying to say is Stan recovered way too quickly from amnesia. In the span of 10-15 screen minutes, we see Stan go from no recollection of his identity and life to having regained his memory completely. With it lasting for this short amount of time, we didn't really get time to feel the Pines family's loss. It just didn't live up to the potential that it had. It would have been better to end the series with Stan just starting to regain his memory. 

In terms of the rest of the episode, I couldn't ask for a more perfect ending. Every character and conflict had closure, as Soos is named new owner of the Mystery Shack, Stan and Ford start over and travel the world together on the Stan-O-War II, and Dipper, Mabel, and even Waddles leave Gravity Falls. One thing is certain- it will tear at your heartstrings in the best kind of way.

So, that's the end of Gravity Falls, and I would like to take a moment to thank the creators, actors, producers, and anyone else involved in the making, especially Alex Hirsch, for taking me on a wonderful, fun-filled, heartwarming, and memorable journey. I will certainly miss this treasured show.


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