Saturday, February 13, 2016

The End of Gravity Falls

I know you all are probably sick of Gravity Falls, but with the show ending Monday I found it necessary to do one more post on it.

Between the Pines
This tv special aired on February 8th and featured Alex Hirsch himself, revealing information about the show, some of it old, some new. It was good, taking the show's fanbase seriously, and was obviously meant to be a goodbye message from the show, as well as serve to hype us up for the finale on Monday. If you haven't watched it yet, go watch it. The link to watch it is below.

Predictions for Take Back the Falls
There has been much speculation about the last episode- What will be revealed? Who will die, if anyone? Will our questions be answered? The creators have been particularly secretive about it, with most of the trailers just being the same thing or clips from previous episodes. My personal prediction is that those characters featured on the symbol wheel will team up to defeat Bill. I also wouldn't be surprised if Ford betrays them- in one of the trailers he is reawakened and a clip of him overlooking the universe is seen. Vailskibum94 has a video analyzing the trailer that explains this theory. Sadly, I think that Stan will be the one to die. We have seen copies or images of him being destroyed many times throughout the series, and the creators have been known to put subtle foreshadowing to later events within previous episodes. One thing is for certain, Take Back the Falls will be an epic, worthwhile finale to an amazing show.

What Next?
Gravity Falls has developed a dedicated, loyal fanbase- one that is sad to see the show go. While nothing can replace that Gravity Falls-shaped hole in your heart, there are other shows that fans can watch that are similar.

  • Star vs The Forces of Evil. This fairly new Disney show has a small but growing fanbase. Fans of Gravity Falls will enjoy the two main characters, Star and Marco, as they are reminiscent of Mabel and Dipper respectively. The show also has similarly light-hearted magic and mayhem, but is just now starting to develop a continuous story.
  • Over the Garden Wall. In terms of similarity, this show has the atmosphere and 'feel' of Gravity Falls. The show also has underlying mystery that is revealed as the show progresses. Perhaps the one negative to this show is its length- it is technically a miniseries. There are only ten 10-minute episodes total, and the show ends just as it's starting to get really good, and it leaves some questions unanswered.
  • Steven Universe. A cartoon network series, this show has the biggest heart you will ever see. The episodes are heartfelt and sweet, with many that will get the tears flowing. Also, this show is amazing at character development, with each character being developed into a likable, complex persona. Fans of Gravity Falls that enjoyed the characters will love this show. 
I also recommend starting to watch anime if you haven't started it already.

So let's prep ourselves for Monday, February 15th as one of the best shows says goodbye. 

P.S.- There will more than likely be another post after Monday with my reaction and review.

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